College Credit
"ACC" stands for Advanced College Credit. There are multiple ways for students to earn ACC through the classes they are already taking here at Rex Putnam. We have articulated classes with Clackamas Community College, Portland Community College, and Portland State University. In addition we also offer International Baccalaureate Classes.
Credit Through CCC:
Fall 2024 CCC Registration: October 7 - November 8
Spring 2025 CCC Registration: April 7 - May 9
Please Note: If you are registering for a CCC class for the FIRST time it takes a few days to set up your account.
Have your forgotten your CCC login name and/or password?
Email for help with recovery.
Registration Instructions & Help:
Registration is open through May 10th for Spring CCC credit through RPHS.
The ACC program is opt-in, meaning students must register for the college credit in order to earn the college credit (if they receive a passing grade).
How to Register:
Step 1: New students (who have never received CCC credit before) apply to CCC at to create an account
Step 2: Students register for their ACC courses through Self Service. Attached are registration instructions. Translations of registration instructions as well as a step-by-step video walking through the process can be found at .
Step 3: Students pay for ACC fees unless they are on Free/Reduced Lunch, in which case they can qualify for a fee waiver. Those students that qualify for a fee waiver will need to register for the waiver with our bookkeeper, Emily. At the end of the registration period we'll send those names over to CCC and the fees will be waived.
How To Get Help with Registration:
Email & Phone: The best and quickest way students can receive help is emailing The most common things students need help with is password reset and accessing their CCC account, which is easily done over email. Students can also call 503-594-3499 but it may take up to 48 hours to receive a phone response, due to the high volume of calls received. CCC also has a password resource page here:
ACC Registration Nights: ACC staff will be available to walk through the ACC registration process during an evening session on 10.29.24. Students can sign up through the link on the flyer.
Phone/Zoom appointments: Students can make individual zoom or phone appointments to go through the ACC registration process. To make an appointment, email
Fees & Waivers:
CCC Registration Fees:
The cost $10.00 per credit (most classes are 4 credits) payable to Clackamas Community College via their online payment system.
Fee Waivers:
Students who qualify for the Federal Free/ Reduced lunch program can qualify for fee waiver. Simply check in with the RPHS book keeper who will confirm your eligibility and put you on the waiver list. Students will see the fee on their CCC account until mid term when the waivers processed, at that time the fee will be removed from the student's CCC account.
You can also earn college credit through IB Courses. Click HERE for more details.